How to Starve Cancer – please read this book!

[yes, I am still alive, and will be bringing this blog up to date!]

Please read “How to Starve Cancer”.  It is the best book I have read to date on how to beat cancer.

This is not the usual book on cancer diets.

Jane McLelland is a Stage 4 cervical cancer survivor of 20 years.  Stage 4, as we know, is usually a death sentence.

Jane managed to beat this cancer using a mix of diet, off-label drugs, chemotherapy, IV Vitamin C, supplements and exercise.  A clinic in London is currently using her protocol to help other patients.

This is the one book every cancer patient, no matter what stage, should read.

There is also a Facebook page which Jane administers:

And a study group run by volunteers:

The blurb on reads:

“A modern-day ‘Cancer Sherlock Holmes’, Jane discovered that a cancer-starving diet, powerful supplements and a handful of old, forgotten, low-toxicity drugs, when taken together, acted synergistically, magnifying each of their anti-cancer effects many times. Like magic, her terminal cancer just melted away.

In this truly ground-breaking book, Jane takes us through her remarkable, heart-breaking journey, and the medical discoveries she made on the way. Using herself as a human guinea pig, she worked out the best drugs and supplements to starve her own cancer in an easy-to-follow ‘Metro Map’. She has expanded this route map to show which fuel pipelines you need to block for every type of cancer, so you too can create your own cancer-starving cocktail. Tragically many simple old drugs have been overlooked in the race for the latest patentable ‘game changers’. Is the answer already out there? Jane believes it is. Bit by bit she has pieced the puzzle together, demystified its complexity, and produced a simple protocol.

This book will answer all the burning questions you face when you begin to explore complementary cancer care. Which ‘off-label’ drugs and supplements should you take? Should you try the ketogenic diet? Should you fast? Is fat safe? How much and when should you exercise? Jane explains why each patient needs a personalised approach and, importantly, how to work this out.”

What do you do after breast cancer? Listen to this talk on: “Surviving Survival”

What do you do after surviving breast cancer?

Grace Gawler, a cancer strategist with 38 years of experience and more than 14,000 clients, and the author of one of the first books (Women of Silence:  The Emotional Healing of Cancer) on the emotional and psychological impact of breast cancer

What I’ve found useful whenever I’ve had a consultation with Grace, is her blend of knowledge and experience of treatments and the psychology of cancer patients.  She’s also someone who’s gone through a serious illness, so she knows just what it takes to weather the storms of a life-threatening illness.  It is that level of empathy that makes her unique in her services and someone I feel I can talk to because she truly understands!

In this radio show, Grace talks about surviving survival.Two key areas she covers are:  (1) the void that is created after the flurry of treatment stops and the gap between monitoring visits to the specialist doctor widens (2) the what-if phase after treatment … “what if the cancer recurs?”

With patients living longer, women often have impaired life quality and declining well-being after breast cancer.  The wounds are often unseen. Surviving Survival is about the need to become an alchemist, transforming the threat of losing our life, to helping us find our life!

Book Review – “Cancer Etiquette” (Part 2) – what to say and not to say to someone who has cancer


Updated 15 April 2014 with more personal additions

From the book “Cancer Etiquette” by Rosanne Kalick – one of the best books in the market offering guidance on what not to say and what to say to people who have cancer. [Unfortunately it is only available as a hardcover book.  Amazon has some used copies].

I’ve covered some of the mistakes people make when speaking to someone who has cancer in Part 1, as mentioned in Rosanne Kalick’s book.

In Part 2, Rosanne Kalick shares some tips on what not to say, and to say, to someone who has cancer.  I’ve since updated this post with my personal additions, so it’s hard to separate what is Rosanne Kalick’s and what is mine, but the bones of this post is from her book.

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Book review: “Cancer Etiquette” (Part 1)

footmouthI was talking to someone who had a device that he claimed could heal diseases (including cancer).

Mid-way through, he said to me:  “you know, we’re all going to die some day, so that might help you to face what you’ve got.”

I didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry.

Yes, we’re all going to die someday, but mate, you’re not the one with cancer, and not the one with one foot (metaphorically) in the grave.  And cancer is not a walk in the park.

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Book Review “Speak the Language of Healing”

Book:  “Speak the Language of Healing:  Living with Breast Cancer without Going to War“.

Authors:  Susan Kuner, Carol Matzkin Orsborn, Linda Quigley, Karen Leigh Stroup

Publisher:  Conari Press


This is one of the best books I’ve read on how to deal with cancer.

Most books tell us that cancer is a war. We are told we have to fight it … it is a battle.  Cancer becomes a disease filled with aggressive terminology, there are conflicts, it is the enemy to be vanquished, and the people who have cancer are victims.  People who make it through the treatment are survivors and winners.  Those who die from it are defeated and seen as losers and failures.

For some, using military metaphors is helpful.  But for others, this book shows us there is a new way of thinking about and living with a life-threatening illness.

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