Recurrence Rollercoaster – #2 Headless chicken

A quick re-cap for newcomers to this blog:  I was diagnosed with breast cancer (Stage 1) and spent approximately 1.5 years doing alternative treatments, but the tumour kept growing so I had a mastectomy.  I woke up from the mastectomy to find my left arm paralysed because of nerve damage (to the brachial plexus) caused by tractioning of the arm during surgery.  I had to have further surgery to release the nerve and because of that, I had no conventional adjuvant treatment.  Nine months after the mastectomy, the cancer recurred.  This is a summary of the options I was exploring after the recurrence.

We all want tidy endings to healing journeys.

We’re programmed through myths and story-telling and Hollywood Blockbusters, to expect tidy endings, happily-ever-after fairy-tales.

With the recurrence, it was as if the story I was writing for my healing wasn’t coming through. I know loads of people who have done the surgery- chemo-radiotherapy route and the cancer vanishes and they live happily ever after, in remission for the rest of their lives.

But I was on a different story track.

Writing this with the luxury of retrospect, I was running around like a headless chicken trying to find ways to get rid of the cancer.


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Happy 2017 and a video: Natasha Laing – from Stage 4 breast cancer to remission

Happy 2017.  I am still alive!

To all of you who are struggling in your journeys with cancer, I want to share this interview of a friend of mine, Natasha Laing.

Natasha had Stage 4 breast cancer with mets to the lungs and bones which deteriorated until she was placed in a hospice.

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