Questions you should ask overseas cancer clinics

1.  What percentage of your treatments are for [type of] cancer?  What is your success rate for [type of] cancer?

– be prepared for fudge.  Sometimes clinics will say that their sample size is small, so it’s not fair to compile stats.  Or will say that the patients who come to them are mostly end-stage, so the success rate is not very good.  Or say that every patient is an individual, so it’s impossible to predict the outcome.  So if you want guarantees, chances are you won’t get them.

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How I afford it

intravenous money

Updated 8 December 2013

As mentioned, using complementary therapies is expensive because it’s not state-funded.

One cycle of intravenous vitamin C in the UK (3 weeks x daily plus 3 months twice weekly) can cost £10K or more in the UK.  Then there’s the cost of nutritional supplements, tests etc.  I’ve met people who’ve spent upwards of £50 to £100K over two years.

So you must be wondering how I’ve paid for all this.

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