Best of Breast: news for week ending 21 February 2014

A summary of this news highlights for week ending 21 February 2014 for Breast Cancer and Cancer, from Google Alerts. [Please note:  If you are using Google Chrome for your browser, you may experience issues with viewing the images]

Sorry this is so late – I’ve been away and then caught a cold, so keeping a-breast of the news was a challenge!

All the news developments deserve to share the podium, but I give top-billing to a food substance that has the ability to attack breast cancer cells.  That’s because I’m fed up of research which goes along the lines of “substance BX795 can inhibit the action of signalling pathway xxx” and it turns out that substance BX795 isn’t something that’s found in the aisle at your local supermarket  At least with figs and celery, people who don’t wear white coats and talk in code have a chance!


Image credit:

1.  Natural compound in figs and celery attacks HER2 positive breast cancer cells

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Best of Breast: news for week ending 14 February 2014

I am now fundraising for treatments at:  GoFundMe  and

Here is the weekly summary of news alerts from Google Breast Cancer and Cancer for week ending 14 February.


We love you! We’re helping to cure cancer!

I was spoiled for choice this week – all my favourite topics came up (and not a single tedious cohort study):  curcumin (wow!), intravenous Vitamin C (double-wow!), more mouse trials (see Valentine’s Day card they sent us), cancer vaccine, new drugs (wow-wow-and-wow) and tamoxifen.

Curcumin:  One of my most popular posts is on curcumin.  Scientists have now discovered that putting an implant of curcumin into mice halted tumour growth vs ingesting it orally.  Before we all rush out and get one … remember, it’s only been tested on mice, and only available in mice-size implants.  However, the good news is that intravenous curcumin is available.  The bad news, it’s in Germany and only six clinics at the moment have access to it.  The good news, it’s available from the reputable PraxisKlinik Siebenhuner integrative clinic in Frankfurt (costs about Euro1,600 for six infusions).

Intravenous Vitamin C:  There’s a study from the University of Kansas on the efficacy of intravenous Vitamin C in ameliorating chemotherapy symptoms – I’m not sure why it’s “new” news – this has been part of the protocol at the University of Kentucky for awhile.  If you’ve followed my blog, you know I tried IV C and it didn’t work i.e. shrink the tumour.  Having said that, in the two years I was on IV C, I never got any metastasis, so maybe something was working.

Tamoxifen:  In Best of Breast (w/e 31 Jan) I mentioned that bodybuilders were taking tamoxifen, i.e. going out and buying it.  Well, this week it’s revealed that bodybuilders may be unwittingly taking tamoxifen in bodybuilding supplements – it’s not even listed on the label.  In case you were wondering … they take tamoxifen because they want to stop their man boobs from growing from steroid use.

This week’s headline:  Finally … with all the juicy topics lined up, I chose to lead with a computer game that you can download to your iPhone or Smartphone and play and help scientists analyse real genetic data for cancer faster.  Wouldn’t it be great to help beat cancer and have some fun too?  Game on!


1.  Video game to help find cure for cancer

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Save your lives: get your thyroids and port veins checked by ultrasound! (a session with Prof. Marco Ruggiero)

Updated March 2016 – For more information on GcMAF, please join the GcMAF and GcMAF Cancer forums on Facebook – they are closed groups, so you have to wait for your membership to be confirmed.  They contain up-to-date information on sources of GcMAF, and also feedback and contributions  by people who are using GcMAF.

[GcMAF can be obtained from Sansei-Mirai or ImmuneBiotech.  I’ve heard that the Sansei-Mirai product is very potent and stable.]

I was recently privileged to witness Professor Dr. Marco Ruggiero demonstrate his expertise in conducting ultrasound scans (or sonography as it is known on Continental Europe).

I was familiar with ultrasounds conducted on tumours, but in the hands of a master, it can reveal conditions not clinically evident in blood tests, thus providing an early signpost for more in-depth testing and treatment.

Thyroid ultrasound

Image credit:

I’ve previously always posted about Professor Ruggiero as the genius behind GcMAF.  He is also a trained clinical radiologist and uses ultrasound to measure the success of GcMAF treatments.  This was the first time I saw him demonstrate his mastery in ultrasound scans.

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Mastectomy #7A – The world’s best gift for anyone about to have a mastectomy

(and no … the answer is not: a pair of boobs)


Now imagine this next to your bed …. at full blast .. right next to your ear …

Based on my personal experience of the Bair Hugger (that piece of torture that’s a cross between a hair-dryer and leaf-blower and sounds like a hoover on steroids – have you ever tried sleeping with a vacuum cleaner next to your ear?  No me, neither.), the best gift you can buy anyone who’s having a mastectomy, or sharing a room in a hospital is a pair of noise-cancelling earphones.

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Best of Breast: news for week ending 7 February 2014

The weekly round-up of breast cancer news from Google Alerts, for the week ending 7 February 2014.

In the past few weeks, animals have been at the forefront of new discoveries in cancer treatments.  We’ve had rats and mice (of course) as they’re always been used for trials, a naked mole rat, and last week a fruit fly.  I didn’t have to hunt far this week:  a woman reported that her Dobermann sniffed out her breast cancer.  It’s one of those stories about the bond between human and pet that makes me go aww…


Dog scan: the latest tool in breast cancer detection

Our dogs’ ability to sniff out cancer is nothing new.  I posted about this about a Springer Spaniel who had done the same, in the 30 August edition of Best of Breast this year.  Programmes are now being tested to train dogs to sniff out ovarian cancer.  I’m all for favour of dogs helping us beat this disease, in a non-invasive test.  Wouldn’t it be nice to go to a hospital for a dog scan instead of a Cat scan?

On the more serious side, top billing goes towards French scientists who are using detailed testing of genes to create personalised cancer protocols – if it saves women from unnecessary treatment or overtreatment, that’s fantastic.  Also, more top news:  a modified virus has been developed to fight one of the most challenging of cancers, triple-negative breast cancer.

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Fulda 2013 conference #6: Leaky-Gut: Dietary regimen with MAP and GcMAF (Dr Florian Schilling) – also warning re. glutathione and cancer cells


The Christmas market at Fulda

Updated March 2016 – For more information on GcMAF, please join the GcMAF and GcMAF Cancer forums on Facebook – they are closed groups, so you have to wait for your membership to be confirmed.  They contain up-to-date information on sources of GcMAF, and also feedback and contributions  by people who are using GcMAF.

Updated 21 September 2014 – a reader, Yulia Dolgopolova ND Sc.D, left a comment:  apparently Vitamin D dosage depends on metabolic type.  The Sun is the best source, but it is safe to take 2000-6000 UI daily for the special health conditions (D3 solution must be organic virgin olive oil or high quality cod liver oil with low vitamin A); days ON & days OFF are essential to maintain the balance (for example, D3 for 20-25 days, then rest for 5-7 days).  An interesting book to read: Vitamin D by David Feldman et. al., 3rd edition (

Florian Schilling studied pre-clinical medicine at the Ludwig-Maximillian-Universitat Munchen (LMU), and then trained as an alternative practitioner, with his own clinic since 2006, specialising in integrated and complementary tumour therapy, CFS/ME, general regulatory medicine and detoxification.  He has been a lecturer at the Paracelsus College in Munich since 2007, and lectures both in Germany and internationally.

GcMAF can be obtained from Sansei-Mirai or ImmuneBiotech.


Leaky gut is not something I’ve considered part of my anti-cancer protocol. I’m not sure why – perhaps it’s because I’ve always had a cast iron stomach, able to eat most foods, and enjoy good digestion.  But after Florian Schilling’s talk (and a later presentation by Dr ) I’ve come to realise that just because I can digest food doesn’t mean I have a good gut – there are things happening at a molecular level that I may not be aware of, that is contributing to the environment that helped nurture the cancer.

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Best of Breast: news for week ending 31 January 2014

A summary of the Google news alerts for breast cancer and cancer, for the week ending 31 January 2014.

fruit fly

The latest tool in cancer detection …

In previous weeks, we’ve had mice and rats, naked mole rats and even sloths as vectors for cancer cures – they make for cute photos.  I tried hard this week but the only creature that turned up to save the world from cancer was a fruit fly.  As the eeurgh factor of the fruit fly is 100% there is no photo – sorry!

The lead item is a drug that supposedly stops breast cancer metastasis.  It’s not the only drug in the pipeline that is supposed to do this, and unfortunately, it’s still at the mice-and-rat-testing stage.  I hate getting all excited and then disappointed.

Another study this week shows how stem cells and the daughters of stem cells live for a long time, often leading to recurrences.  What the study doesn’t mention is the unfortunate fact that stem cells are not killed by chemotherapy.  It’s something that a lot of cancer patients who are in remission haven’t been told – they think chemotherapy is the be-all-and-end-all (or in the words of my breast surgeon:  “disinfectant”), and it isn’t (disinfectant implies total cleansing) there are still stem cells there.  That’s why we need more research needs to be done in how to deal with these Frankenstein cells, and take away this uncertainty and fear in the cancer journey.

Fruit and veg feature this week.  Tomatoes:  scientists have genetically-modified tomatoes to contain more anthocyanins, substances that can fight cancer.  There’s a trial using olive oil for breast density to see if it can prevent breast cancer.

Two more must read articles:  one on melatonin, showing it has the potential to slow down the growth of tumours in triple-negative breast cancer.  That’s great news for this very challenging type of breast cancer.  Another on how some chemotherapy can be toxic to the heart – hmm … isn’t this stating the obvious?


Another use for tamoxifen [Nolvadex] and it’s not breast cancer

Finally, there’s some bizarre news (not new, apparently it’s been around for some time) – bodybuilders are using Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) and Arimidex to suppress estrogen in their body and negate the effects of steroids in their bodies.  Why, God, why?

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