Wow! Easy Kit – the new, easier, faster way of making Bravo Probiotic!

Updated March 2016 – For more information on GcMAF, please join the GcMAF and GcMAF Cancer forums on Facebook – they are closed groups, so you have to wait for your membership to be confirmed.  They contain up-to-date information on sources of GcMAF, and also feedback and contributions  by people who are using GcMAF.

If you’ve read my posts on Bravo Probiotic (aka GcMAF yoghurt, and previously known as Maf314 yoghurt), you’ve probably wondered at the time-consuming process to make it.  I liken the process to musical chairs with yoghurt.

Supplement: GcMAF yoghurt — Maf 314 — Bravo Probiotic

The cost of Bravo Probiotic — GcMAF Yoghurt — Maf314 — someone find me a camel!

GcMAF Success

The old way of making Bravo Probiotic (GcMaf yoghurt/Maf 314)

Well, I think I’m excited as I’ll ever be – the gods at Bravo Probiotic have heard my cries and come up with a new, improved version, called Easy Kit.

Like it says on the tin, Easy Kit puts the EASY back into yoghurt making.

Making the old version of Bravo Probiotic

With the old version of Bravo Probiotic, there were two starter compounds, Compound 1 and 2 which came in powder form and had to be added to milk and fermented in different containers, at different temperatures to become yoghurt.  The final step was to add colostrum to the Compound 1 yoghurt and let that ferment before mixing with the Compound 2 yoghurt.  The whole process took 2 days.  The cost of the colostrum was a significant expense in making this version – colostrum is not a cheap product.  It made cooking the yoghurt a ritual that had to be planned ahead of time, and it was easy to make mistakes.

Making Easy Kit – the new version of Bravo Probiotic

With Easy Kit, there are also two starter compounds, but both are added to the same container of milk and left at room temperature to ferment.  The colostrum is already included in one of the starters, so no need to add this to the final ferment.  This means no additional cost in buying colostrum.  But best of all, it takes only 24 hours to culture.  Yes, that’s right – 50% less time than with the old-style Bravo Probiotic.

When I told a friend of mine (who had introduced me to Maf314 in the first place) about the new! improved! Easy Kit, he said:  “but it takes all the fun out of the making!”  (I think he was joking … .)

Yes, those pre-Easy Kit die-hards who grew up setting their alarm clocks for 4am in the morning so they could switch off their yoghurt makers, or spent hours on the internet searching for an affordable brand of colostrum that cost less than £10 per bottle will look back in nostalgia, and maintain that the old (and more time-consuming way) was the best because it took grit and effort.

Personally, I’m glad and relieved.  I don’t know about you, but anything that saves time and preparation is welcome.

My only question to Bravo Probiotic is:  what took you so long to come up with the Easy Kit?!!!

Special offer!

And more good news:  for the month of May 2014 only, there is a special offer for Bravo Probiotic Easy Kit:

  • Euro300 for 3 months
  • Euro 600 for 6 months and
  • Euro 1000 for a year’s supply.

Yes, I know, this sounds expensive for a yoghurt, but it does contain 40 strains of probiotics (more than in the pill-form probiotics that are commercially-available), and also GcMAF.

Compare this to the old-style Bravo Probiotic which costs Euro550 for a 3-month supply, and Euro 2000 for a year’s supply.

So don’t pass up this amazing chance to get GcMAF yoghurt at a relatively lower price!

For more information on Bravo Probiotic and the Easy Kit:

2 responses

  1. Question for you– if you make the yogurt with the easy kit, can you use the made yogurt as the culture/starter for future batches or is it necessary to buy the 3 month supply and start new each time? Trying to help out a friend and give them a starter, but not sure if it’ll actually help if it can’t be used again. Thanks!

    • Hi Rachel, do you have the old Maf314 kit or the new Bravo Probiotic Kit? If you have the old Maf314 kit, then chances are you might be able to get away with culturing from the mother cultures. My friend Peter does it. There are two packets allocated per week for the Bravo Probiotic kit – one is the kefir and the other is the yoghurt cultures. However, the problem with the new Bravo Probiotic Kit, colostrum has already been added to the yoghurt mix, so I don’t know how this would affect reculturing. I asked at the GcMAF clinic and they told me that the kefir could be recultured, but not the yoghurt. I don’t know how much of this is true, or commercial pressure to have to keep buying. I think the kefir is what breaks the yoghurt down to become the GcMAF yoghurt, and I don’t know why it has to be in two separate packs, but I assume it’s to do with competing cultures????

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